Issues with account | Po$t™, CRS™
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Issues with site accounts, whether public or private accounts. Issues such as you cant log in, need help customizing things on your profile public and or private, and any other issues how to contact and troubleshoot.

If you are having trouble singing in please reset your password to the email you believe you created your account under. If you are not getting the code to your email and or forgot your email and or password and cannot access your account, and have proof of ownership, when you contact us we will ask for proof, and see what we can do as its difficulty for us to help in these situations, but we strive to make things right! This is why we recommending writing down somewhere not online, but safe your email and password, but especially your email etc. If you cannot remember the email on your account and or/password then reset your passwords, and please contact us and we will ask/you will need to provide us with multiple security/proof items that you own that account that you were looking for/the real email on the said/true account you know you own, and lost access to or forgot the details to etc.

If you are having troubling signing up/in, make sure you where not previously banned, or your account was not blocked, and make sure you do not already have an account with that email, you can test this by trying to log in, and or reset a password with the email your trying to sign up with under forgot password under the sign in form. Contact for further issues, or questions if you still cant figure it out on the contact page.

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