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Giant site update/patch 1/19/23 / 2/23/23 and social site update mostly. 
Notes out soon. We have removed the Daniel Collab and page, most likely forever, but the winter one is done. All devices pc and mobile and all shirts. All products are the same with the fact the we are no longer working with Daniel and they don't say his name in the title or on the shirt but the designs are the same. We could be seeing more Collab's in the future and maybe Daniel in the future. We are on good terms and everything it is not the Christmas season or winter so that's why we ended this seasons Collab. We have updated the 2nd social site forum, the Reddit like forum 2 under the social site, and social site drop down page in the header and footer, the speeds being astronomically faster on most social sites, but mostly the forums, some new features, and the responsiveness on each devices is so much better, its on an astronomical scale. Pc and mobile. The speeds have been increased majorly on pc, and on phone also for the 2nd forum, and when adding reactions, and things like likes, and comments, its way quicker, even when posting, with some new features on mobile that the pc site has, that mobile does not has been added also. Pc and mobile. Posting is way easier and faster now on pc and mobile along with the media tab, and viewing site members and following them, etc., all of  the tabs on the 2nd forum, Reddit like forum. So much more but this is the most important update. Pc and mobile. We have updated all of our shipping and returns policy's/pages on our about us drop down to make our polices better for the buyer/user experience and way more generous and trustworthy for our business/site. We also updated the layout of the texts and how the pages look and the pages on the drop down of about us at the top of the header on pc and mobile. We have also updated the articles/blog page layout and look to make it more responsive, look better, a better ui ux interface, and just better in general on pc and mobile. This does not include the post page, A.K.A creating a post page, does not apply to most people, or viewing a post full screened on our site not literally. Pc and mobile. We have also added animations to everything on the home page, and a delay to it so you can get a smooth and clean introduction to the first page of our site on pc and mobile, and we have also changed the announcements page on pc mostly to a column 3d color style, and added images to each 3 columns with the headlines with the new animation styled to and more organized changed text, and on mobile on still text with the images and animations also. Pc and mobile. We have also changed the "Offering live gaming support, Minecraft support, and Tech support with email and live chat for free, and gaming support of all types and games" Colum on the home page design, background video, and scroll animation, along with the video/image/scroll animation on a few other parts and sections on the home page on pc and mobile to. We have also updated the main 1st 1 social page, the about social page, we have added an image to represent the files page, with an animation on it when you scroll down, and when you click it, it brings you to the files page social site we have and you can view without signing in, but to do anything more you need to sign in. Pc and mobile. We have updated the sign in and sign out forums on pc and mobile responsiveness and ui ux interface design/look and feel to best fit user experience. Pc and mobile. There is a new category on the forum 1/Twitter like forum on our social site that you can now post on and view posts on, on our social site. Pc and mobile. We have unhidden/added a few of the members pages to the members page drop down when signed in at the top right of the site on pc, or in the 3 lines in the mobile drop down on mobile, or under one of the members pages, one of the members page drop downs, we have added/unhidden the members notification page/button that you can now click/access easier, and blog likes, post, and other things with out forum/forum 1/Twitter like forum. Just a few pages on pc and mobile. We have also update the look and feel of some members pages and the members pages buttons and the drop down buttons on pc and mobile. The live chat help centers text size and ui ux interface and design all pages and links have been updated even on the help center and contact page all under the contact page, and contact page drop down, and also the live chat embed widgets on those pages have been made longer for a better experience for bigger longer screens especially/mainly on mobile, and it is mostly the same on pc, and/because pc has the chat widget in the bottom left that does not change size unless pc, laptop, or device screen small, so that is why the update is main ally for mobile but all update and interface/design update/chat update/whole update/everything for all contact pages and drop downs and live chat pages and drop downs on the contact us and contact pages drop downs. We have also changed the picture on most of the forum 1, Twitter like forum category's and the text, and with the new category we added, it has new, laid back rules that mostly gets applied to the TOS, terms of service policy. We want your ideas for categories' we can added to both of our forums so let us know from your post and @us, or reply to on of our posts/mine with a comment for faster notice. Pc and mobile. We updated all of our button colors on our articles/blogs page, our social site pages, all, and a few others to fit our black theme. Not our logo/other site and company theme pink and red. Pc and mobile. We have also added a form to the verified checkmark/badge page in case you want to apply easier and faster on that page after reading the instructions, and seeing that your site account, and you meet the requirements, so you don't have to keep going back to the page when emailing, or when emailing from the contact page ect. This was a silent update that is out now! We also updated the members page layout of profile picture, size, badges and more so you can see  your page background photo better and more on the members/account pages. Pc and mobile. We also updated how the badges/icons that you have on your site account/members pages/account pages, instead of saying the text on the icon on your profile page, example, verified, its just the icon/badge and you hover over it to see the name, or scroll down on your profile to find out more of it for all icons/badges that we have and can offer and you can earn/apply for on the site. We made it medium size and optimized the members/site accounts profiles. Pc and mobile. We have discontinued all of our gaming and tech support to really focus on everything else we do on our site mainly now. Pc and mobile. We are sorry for anyone this really effected, but the whole reason of us stopping this was for the best, and because it did not effects many people. We have also updated all verified, and all account and badges on the site to make them look better, and new and improved for the people that have them, me, and anyone who wants to apply for our verified badges at if you meet the requirements and standards and standards and requirements on our site. We have also added another badge/verified check mark badge, it is verified government/government official account, that you can apply for today if you meet our requirements today, and if you meet the legal government requirements with proof when applying and say what badge your applying for at Pc and mobile. We have also updated the members badges and how they are displayed, and we have fixed a few of the members pages, public members/account pages, and bugs on pc and mobile, along with some things on the social site. Pc and mobile. We have updated the shipping and returns page also, and how you track orders also when signed in in your members/account page, and drop down. We removed the tracking page link on the home page drop down to remove some pages, and remove clutter. Pc and mobile. We have also updated all shop page product colors, and colors on most shop pages. Pc and mobile. We have also updated the status page, and made it more basic, and basically say the one main issue at the top, A.K.A your reports usually, and the form so you can submit issues/bugs. Pc and mobile. We have also added ratings 1/5 star comment/ratings on the articles/blogs so you can see the general rating before clicking on one, or add your own and contribute by commenting. Just make sure your signed in as always around our site, and social site. Pc and mobile. We have also made a change with some things we add to the what's new page, new updates/patch notes, we will sometimes make a post in our articles/blogs page when we have a smaller site update, or social site/members/accounts update, something along the lines of that, anything on the site that is small and needs a quick noticed post, for site updates smaller ones, will be posted there and promoted on our online social site and forums both 2. We also connected a few domains to the site such as and incase people enter that in trying to visit the site. We also update the header to play a video on pc and mobile even though its the one thing that does not follow the site color scheme. We will create new patch notes soon probably this weekend 2/25/23. That's all we can say and think of even though we have been updating the site every day, and every hour sometimes but never do we take weeks off or even weekends most times, we would say everything but we always and we updated so much we just can't. See you in the next update/patch notes and if we add anything new that does not deserve its own set of notes then we will add to this and change the dates at the top of when it was updated. Thanks for listening, spread the word of and see you around and see you for the next big site patch/update! 

Big site/patch update, new years, 12/26/22 and 1/5/23.
The site header and footer has received color changes for new years on pc and mobile, and the hover color on buttons also is back to one of the default site colors, red. The site header and footer size has been adjusted along with some of the clickable text buttons in the footer on pc and mobile for better UI UX on the site both/all platforms. The new years page and drop down has been added, and is being worked on hard since 12/15/22 on pc and mobile. The page will be released soon, but if you can guess the code you can get in early, but you cannot tell anyone or we change the page code, on pc and mobile. But for now the new year site design is out, and we also changed the home page background to a fireworks video we used on one of our new years page, to make the site feel really like the new years celebration. We also added fireworks, a few decorations, and more new years things on each page of the site on pc and mobile, and if you think the decorations are getting in the way, you can click to remove them, but not the fireworks on each page, and home page. We changed the size of the header on site members profile pictures to make it medium size, and large text to fit better on pc devices, and mobile. Pc and mobile. Go check out all of the new year's pages, and countdown page that you can use for your "ball drop" at the top of each hour for your new year and explore more here, and at the link.
Pc and mobile. We also added a new badge/verified badge that you can earn the same way as the others, except it is for a different type of person/creator/different role/for a different type of person. Check out more on this at the verified page here, and at the link. Pc and mobile. This is all the main updates, although there was so much more, and so much more to come soon, and so much more was updated over thanksgiving week/weekend, and we update the site every day, and lots of hours a day, we would be writing a whole book telling you what we updated! We have changed the theme from the new years theme back to normal site theme, and changing the site background to a cool 2023 logo golden color neon on pc and mobile. We have updated the buttons and buttons for the members pages on pc and mobile color, and look. The social media site responsive code design has been updated, along with some new features, and lots of updates to the social site, and the UI UX on pc and mobile all social pages. The site has a few more links you can visit it at a few more links where connected to the site, one being That's all! See you in the next patch/update!  

Big site patch/update, Christmas/holiday update, 11/30/22 a 12/15/22. The site header, footer, and home page has been updated on pc and mobile to have different colors for the season, bold fonts for better UI UX and interaction, and to see the buttons better in the header and footer, they have been made bigger, and a different shade of green to make it feel more like the holiday seasons in the header and footer for each button, cart icon, and search bar. Pc and mobile. The site load times have improved lots for pc and mobile over the months, and we will always work on this! To see our colors go to our source page by right clicking to inspect on pc and mobile, and getting the color hashtag #. Cash Richard social about page has gotten many updates, along with the back round, images, and text on pc and mobile to make it better, and make users want to use our social site. Advertising for our social site will start soon, most likely in the new year. The members page picture background, and profile picture size has increased to large, A.K.A max, on pc and mobile for better social site and users being able interacting with each other easier, and find out more about your personal profile/social account on our site, and social site. Pc and mobile. You can now add gifs, and emojis, and all characters pretty much to your name, and profile picture on your site profile/site account/membership. Whether public or private. The site header and footer UI UX has been updated on pc and mobile. The members pages/account pages, all of them the buttons colors and page colors, and design has been updated like the site header and footer, to fit the holiday season, and match the colors. Pc and mobile. There is one new article, and many new blogs, and many more articles/blogs to come soon. Each pages seo, and formatting has been updated, and the grammar to include a space and this character |. Pc and mobile. The official site members page/badge has been updated, to be called verified account, this is because we wanted it to be clear what the member/account was verified for. The live chat widget has been updated so when no agent is available, if they are on break, or out of hours, and you don't want to email, or are not on the contact page, you can leave a message form through the chat widget if you open it like you normally would to start a chat. The Cash Richard TV 23 news page has been added back, and is mostly weather live streams, and weather videos, and is all free, but might not be forever, and might not just always be weather, and sometimes news, but go check it back out on the TV page drop down, and at the link, and catch us live, since we don't have a schedule yet here. New page. Pc and mobile. Weather is back, and we are making it a bigger part of our site. Pc and mobile for the TV changes and everything in these patch notes, and everything so far. The news is back, and it never went away, we where just so busy with the site, and doing weather behind the scenes, learning, and now its back on the site. The Daniel Collab has been added back, and there is two new winter products on his page, and his page has a whole new winter Collab, products will stay year round, but the Collab will change late in the start of next year, A.K.A 2023. Check out his page here, and at the link. 
The suspect winter collection has been updated with 4 new products, and the old ones back, that have been here year round, and will stay year round. Go check it out as products add weekly till Christmas. Here, and at this link. This is all the main updates, although there was so much more, and so much more to come soon, and so much more was updated over thanksgiving week/weekend, and we update the site every day, and lots of hours a day, we would be writing a whole book telling you what we updated! That's all! See you in the next patch/update! We have a Fortnite page where you can track big season updates, chapter updates, and sometimes big updates on that page with not leaks, but sneaky updates from Fortnite game you where not aware of. You can find that gaming page on our site here, and at the link.
While lately the site patch notes has not been updates to much, and the social site, we have been working on the Christmas page, and the new years page, so bear with us. Patch notes most likely this weekend of 12/17/22 around. So much more has been updated we just have been so busy because it is that time of year. Happy holidays, see you in the next patch/update big.

Big site patch/update, 11/18/22/11/22/22 a more dates updated along thanksgiving week. The site has some button updates in the header, footer, site members pages, and more, to make the design more of a holiday feel on pc and mobile. The site has also had some UI UX updates on pc and mobile most social site pages, in the footer with the like button, and buttons, and in the header with the colors on pc and mobile. The social site has been updated with some new features also, and anyone with the rare VIP badge, which was pretty much no one, it has been removed due to new rare and badges coming soon, and the already verified/badge already out. Find out more. The site header size on pc has been updated, and on mobile fixed to optimized the logo and TM size. Pc and mobile, but for separate things. Thee members pages, or site accounts have been updated, and colors on the drop downs also, and some new features that will make it easier to see public account info like other social sites on pc and mobile. Many more posts have been posted on Cash Richard social™, and on the two forums, but mostly main forum. Post today! We also have a new site competition, where you can help us design our site, and give us ideas, and have your site name, members name be features if we pick your ideas, and win the free 20 dollar verified badge if you want! View more from the email campaign here and sign up to our email campaigns in the footer of our site, A.K.A the bottom on every page in the form. Enter the competition now! We also have added a few optional, and required fields to the profile, and members/accounts and accounts page when creating/editing your profile/account. The new ones are how you identify, your company, fixed birthday bugs, but birthday field, even though its not new, your social media accounts, with limited, but a lot of text room for many links, and more, with an update to the already existing ones, and email ones! We have also awarded everyone with there name being original, or not copying anyone else, and if someone else has there name, if you where first to have it, you and everyone to first get the name you have has been awarded for free the badge called official. Still testing, but it will most likely stay forever. If this, or something where to change, you will know here, or on your account by the badge being removed. If there is ever an issue, and you think someone with the same name is copying you, and you deserve the badge, or there has been a mistake and someone who has the badge should not have it does, then contact us @ and and say why your contacting and more details about your account, your secure account pin, the day you created it, the impersonator, a link to there account, and making sure you have created a secure account pin, and have your multiple, or 1 account email memorized with proof. Make sure if you have an account, to create a secure account pin, so when you reach out for support, it makes it easier for us to identify you, and so we can make changes for you, to your account for you, and support you better! To do this, sign in, or create your account then click the profile button on your members page drop down, and click edit profile, and go to the secure account pin field, and click edit. If you need help doing this contact us via live chat, or our email forms, or emails listed above in these patch notes/update notes. We also updated our TOS, terms of service policy, for our site, and social site on pc and mobile. For all legal, and to be up to date with site legal, read it now here. Pc and mobile for all the changed in this patch notes, most patch notes, and all patch notes above, and the ones about the members and account updates. The subscribe for 10% discount code email campaign has also been updated, and now makes you sign up for site member, but you still get an email, and can reject, but you still get the promo code on entering your email. You will receive emails until you cancel on your email app, once you sign up even if you don't sign up to be a member. Pc and mobile. We also updated the like button in the footer, the colors, and functions with the numbers on both like, and dislike, on pc and mobile. The sign up and sign in forms on pc and mobile have been updated to for the look and feel, less crammy, and the UI UX. We also updated the links to the texts in the footer to open in a new tab, so you don't lose where you where, on pc and mobile. You can now see our site at and along with the other domains you already use to see More to come with these domains! Especially meta! The Daniel page has been hidden, and a password has been added, so it has been taken down till further notice, and the Collab apparel products have gotten a new, better, revamp, and the gaming items has not changed because they did not have Daniel marketing, or changes because of Daniel. We don't know if this is going to stay forever, but the chances is it will, and the Daniel page with probably not be back ever. The social site has been updated so much, along with the TOS, terms of service, and the forums, and the site account names have been capitalized. This is all the main updates, although there was so much more, and so much more to come soon, and so much more was updated over thanksgiving week/weekend, and we update the site every day, and lots of hours a day, we would be writing a whole book telling you what we updated! That's all! See you in the next patch/update! 

New big update for the site, and social site! 11/12/22. The new verified checkmark/badge is now out and in testing. You can either earn it over weeks from the requirements then contact us, or buy it one time purchase. Learn more on the page Must be a member of the site, as in have an account. Create on here This feature is giant for the social feature online on our site, and for our whole site for everyone, and our site members. Check it out. Our verification system is way better compared to some sites/company's. We spent all of Saturday and more fixing every single pages UI UX design, and look and feel on pc and mobile, to best update the site to our other changes to make our site more responsive, and better for the user experience. Some of the things was text size, layout of text, titles, pages, status page, code, and more! We would have a whole story if we told you everything. We also added many mini changes to the social site online, along with some small features to best support our new check mark/badge update, and user experience on our site, and devices. All changes so far and changes for pc and mobile. Check marks on now visible on the more social pages, and you can now view and download files from member file share without having an account. You can now view all social sites on our online social website without an account, you might not be able to interact, so we recommend creating an account, and reading our policy's and TOS, then get to posting/viewing, and commenting, ect. The site header has been fixed and updated for responsiveness on pc and mobile. We made some changes to the members account pages, so go check it out! We also added on to the patch notes below with out letting you know, so if you want to know the last patch notes, and updated old patch notes, scroll down. They will stay here on this page forever along with this patch notes your reading now whenever that may be! The home page changed, and image changed with effects added on pc and mobile. Fixed a few of the shop pages, and added search bars, along with the sale pages same changes, on pc and mobile. The length of the homepage has been reduced for responsiveness on pc and mobile. We have also been posting updates, behind the scene things, and more on twitter a lot, and we will start on our social platform to once we get more members, but check out our twitter in the footer A.K.A button of our website, along with our other socials. And look out for more posting on our social platform with updates like on twitter, expect on our social platform to! There was so much more updated like these patch notes, but go checkout the new checkmark, but it, or earn it, check out the new features, buy something, or just enjoy the site. That's all!

Quick patch/upcoming update for site/social site. these patch notes 11/8/22 / 11/10/22. The social site TOS has been updated! Pc and mobile. The site UI UX design has been fixed on mobile on pc to make site experience better! The Daniel Collab page is back up with a new design! Check it out! The site is almost ready for the verified checkmark/badge update coming very soon. The exact release date will be announced around Friday  11/11/22 here, and will most likely be out this weekend. Find out here on the patch notes after these that will some out on Friday, along with the blog post! Learn more about what the verified checkmark/badge is here before the update and at Some site UI UX updated on pc and mobile in the header, and home page, to fix spacing between items, pictures, and text on both devices/versions of the site to make better site experience. The site verified update will be announced here, and on site blogs/articles soon of when it comes out because its almost ready. You can also stay tuned on our socials at the bottom of each page of our website aka footer, or @cashrichard @cashrichard23 and @cash_richard23 on most socials. Scroll down for the social icons. The social pages on Cash Richard social has been updated on pc and mobile, along with all of the other changes, and changes in this specific patch notes/update notes, and it fixes some design issues, features, and minor things that you can see for yourself. It basically helps design work better on devices, and some new layouts, while displaying the new verified badges if you have it our will purchase it in the future when it comes out. Some new features added to members pages sign in and drop down on members pages pc and mobile, but that's mostly it till the check update announcement here and in blogs/articles. 

Quick patch for 11/5/22 update, Daniel Collab page, has been completely updated, with images, scroll effects on pc, UI UX design on both pc and mobile, and both changes on pc and mobile! Site header fixed to fix better, and organized for better UI UX, along with the footer on pc, and the changes also apply to mobile! Site is more responsive on pc and mobile, as mobile is pretty much fully responsive, and pc is 70% responsive. Work in progress, updates here in future updates/patches like this! Daniel page fully fresh, has some new text on it also, but is currently still under construction, until the next available patch update or small side not added here, or to the next patch notes/update. Will be back up soon, just testing some features! New check mark available, aka verified accounts/creators on our site. Go to to see how you can get your badge on your site account, and to see how you can get verified! Purchase plan available to! Check mark page up soon, but still under construction as of this patch notes like the Daniel page, 11/5/22.

11/4/22, New picture of our 2nd new site dog update on a few pages like our dog, and error404 pages. Fixes to footer and header for UI UX design. We also upgraded some designs to make the status page more user friendly. We also updated some important website code to make site loading faster! We also cleaned up some of the shop pages! We created a few new email campaigns also. We added some new features to Cash Richard social™ The site design changed back to fall, and the design changed on mobile to along with all other changes above now and usually. UI UX changed and fixed to be optimized on mobile and pc also! Live chat new features, one of them is to transfer a live chat to mobile from pc, or whatever device you were on, to mobile from the three dots on the live chat widget. The what's new page was added on pc and mobile. Every update listed usually unless said otherwise, and listed today, has been updated on mobile also for the UI UX design, along with pc also! More big updates, and products coming soon, stay tuned here, along with more blogs/articles coming soon!  

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